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2023-24 Morecambe FC Supporters Survey

It is already that time of year again where we ask you, our supporters, for your valuable insight and feedback into how we are getting on, the things we do well and what we can do even better to keep improving and moving forwards.

I can’t emphasise how important it is for us to receive your honest views across a number of areas we highlight as fundamental, and which we committed to developing over the past few seasons.

Please answer all questions in the survey, with any additional comments/feedback where prompted.

Once complete, if you fill in your name, email address and press submit, you will be entered into a draw to win a 2024/25 Season Ticket! Please note, this survey is open to those aged 18 and above only.

Your feedback will then be collated along with other supporters and used by us to guide our decision making over the months ahead. We will share the results of the survey, along with our action plan on what we will implement moving forwards, in due course.
The survey should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Closing Date: Friday 8 March 2024, 5pm.

Thank you for your support,

Ben Sadler
Morecambe FC